The Best iPad Case in The World

Leather and brass steampunk ipad case back view.

All right, feast your eyes on this baby! Rich and elegant and a wee bit steampunk, this is the case your iPad has always dreamed of. Why don't you crack of that stiff bright blue bit of plastic and treat your flat little friend to a bit of indulgence? 

Frustration is the mother of invention

Leather and brass steampunk ipad case top view.

So, it all started the day we bought our iPad, sleek and new and just waiting to be dropped on the floor and shattered. I knew that it was of utmost importance to protect this new asset and so ended up that night staring at the computer screen while trying to sift through cheap online iPad cases. The rules were: it needed to be brown, and it needed to be cheap. Not that hard right?  


Somehow in the confusion I ended up finding the perfect case and in a moment of swift decisive action bought it. Well done. Until. I read the description again, and noticed that little word mini, right after the word iPadYep. Dumb. I was at that point too frustrated to continue and I swore that I would just make one myself then. And so I did. 

Leather and brass steampunk ipad case side view.

Designed to be (super)awesome

When I started working on this iPad case, I said to my wife, " should I make this case awesome, or should I make it super awesome?" Really, I shouldn't have needed to ask the question, but she confirmed my suspicion that super awesome it should be. So, what makes it so great? 

First off, it is made of leather. Leather is tough, but flexible, and just gets more character with age. 

All the stitching is hand sewn, with two needles, which creates a much much stronger seam.  

All the detail is solid brass, riveted through the leather for eternity.  

Even the clasp is handmade, designed so that it is quite nice and flat so as not to get in the way.  

and it looks really nice too. 

Yes, you can buy it

I loved my first one so much and got such good feedback on it, I have made a second one (pictured above) that is for sale!  You can find it, and many other delicious treasures in my shop.


DIY Steampunk Top Hat and Pattern


Goggles to go